Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Amazing Garrett

This blog is not gonna be all about Garrett. but hes amazing.. thats why the title of this blog is what it is.

So tuesday night when i got home from work (which has been my least favorite thing.. ive dreaded it soooo much lately.. i need a new job.. anybody hear of anything let me know!) and mom told me that Ben & Dylan were going to pleasent grove in the morning (which wouldve been Wednesday) so i figure i'd go too.. in case Ben got the Holy! (: well i was thinking about riding up there with him.. but i knew that i had to be at work wednesday night at 5 and that he might be staying out there all day so i decided i'd drive. i got Olivia to go with me. church was awesome :) after church.. we were all eating.. when i get a text from a girl that always texts me now asking me to work for her! and she asked me to work for her thursday night.. which was when i was planning on going back to pg for church. well.. just as i was about to tell her no.. i decided to cut a deal with her! i told her that if she'd work for me that night.. that id work for her the next night! because that would work out amazingly.. because all the Toney people were planning on coming out to pg that night anyways.. and since i was already out there... why not!? so i was pumped and i really hoping she would agree... and she did (: so in between church .. me Olivia , Mallory Mc, and Sarah Rigsby went to scottsboro for a while until time for my first prayer meeting with the hg (: it was sweet (:
that night, church was out of this world insanely amazing awesome! i enjoyed it soooooo much!!!!
after church, me.. olivia.. brother jimmy's daughter(hahahahahaha).. BEN.. dylan.. blake.. and last but not least Preston! went to mcdonalds , after discovering that KRYSTALS was already closed. (i wasnt happy about either choice though lol) it was fun..  but then dylans dad called and ordered him to be home immediately.. so it was hilarious watching dylan chew preston out. as soon as he got off the phone he was like "Preston! you better have a chicken nugget in your mouth at every second! eat your chicken nuggets and not your fries!"   smart thinking Dylan, protein first :) and any time within the next 5 minutes that dylan caught him without a chicken nugget in his mouth.. he would yell at preston "PRESTON. CHICKEN NUGGET." it was one of the funniest parts of the night by far!
today.. i went to haleys to let her help me with my resume to send out for a receptionist job .. and then came home to work on my cover letter.. and ended up being late for work because of that!
while i was ringing somebody up tonight.. i kept hearing snickering behind me.. and it ended up being Kamran and Arian. they stayed at books a mil with me for like probably close to an hour while aunt tammy and cindy ate at surin. which was a great time-passer.. i love listening to kamrans little funny stories that he tells! (: the rest of the night.. work was just work. but garrett shull kept trying to call me at work.. but i just ignored it because i obviously couldnt talk on the phone right then! i figured id call him back on my way home. well, a few miinutes after we closed.. garrett started calling like back to back and left me a voicemail then i finally texted him back and was like.. I AM WORKING. and he sent back a text that said IM OUTSIDE!!!!! so i called him and explained that we were closed.. that i couldnt let him in.. so i went to the door and saw that he had a zaxbys bag in his hand! and that changed everything! i told him to hold on that i would be out there very shortly! so i took a ten.. and went out and ate zaxbys with him! he surprised me with like my favorite fast food restraunt! (seriously.. me and hil go there like 3 times a week.. ATLEAST) he. is. so. sweet.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th! of! July!

This year 4th of july was AMAZING! one of the best yet :) i woke up yesterday at around 8:30 with intentions to leave at 9.. but i didnt end up leaving till a little closer to 9:30. when i left, i went to go pick up Mallory, Aunt Heather, Anneliese, and then Katie Claire from her friends house then off to Aunt Nickie's we went! All of the little girls and me and mallory went swimming and the little girls played church and baptized (or babatized as Macy would say it) and it was hilarious! we swam for a while, and even though the water felt amazing.. i needed to get out because i was planning on going over to hilly g's afterwards. so i got out and laid out to dry and ended up falling asleep. well of course i shouldnt have fallen asleep, because Lauren was there! and she came over and busted a water balloon on my back and woke me up! i was a little irritated.. because i was on my way to being dry.. but the water balloon wasnt that big so i just continued to lay there and dry, but then she came over and sprayed me with another one! the whole time i had been laying out there drying, i was so tempted to get back in the pool, and that just pushed me over the top. i was already soaking wet again.. so i just went ahead and jumped back in the pool! around that time, Grant , Jessica, and Hunter had showed up. the little girls had still been making water balloons because they were planning on pegging the boys with them once they got there. but Lauren was in the pool, not paying any mind to me, and i found a water balloon, so it just seemed like the right thing to do to hit her with it since she had gotten me with 2 already. so i threw one and hit her in the head and of course, she got really mad because its only fair that she can hit me and i cant hit her! so she had to "get even" with me again. she was chasing me around trying to get me, and i got up on the diving board to jump in and when i did, she threw a water ballon at me, it tipped off my head (but didnt bust) and went and splatted on Jessica who was sitting in the sidelines still in her regular clothes! it was hilarious.. i wish i couldve gotten it on video! Lauren loved that, but she still wasnt "even" with me and she wasnt gonna forget that! so when i wasnt looking, i turned around and Lauren got me with one right in my eyeball.. which was extremely painful and all my little cousins were saying that it busted my pupil open hahaha. eventually i got out.. and went over to hils in my wet clothes only to get pelted with water balloons some more! that water balloon fight was pretty lame though... no offense to anybody there.. it just wasnt my idea of a good time haha(: but after we all got ready again we just hung out. Blake Chance was playing some dancing game and ripped his pants once again.. that alone is hilarious.. but the fact that hes ripped his pants once before playing some kind of video game just makes my life sooo happy! i wasnt in there to witness it.. because i was hanging out with Blake Golden and Ross in the living room, listening to them talk to what all girls are going to be in their Heaven haha. but once Blake ripped his pants, i guess he decided that he had enough of video games so me, him, Blake Golden, Brother Greg, and Eric all went out to play basketball some. we just made shots though because the car was in the way.. so i didnt get to show off too much of my skill :) but as we were playing basketball.. the game of monopoly got brought up. which isnt a surprise.. considering that everybody out there was huge monopoly fans and all convinced that they are the greatest.. so we moved the party inside for some monopoly. not. a. good. idea. jk ended up joining us too. i knew that this game would not end well, because me and Blake Chance go way back when it comes to monopoly.. and he always gets sooooo mad if hes not winning.. even though he would never admit it. this game was terrible too. all of the properties were spread out among everybody. blakeC was the only one that had a full set, and that was just the railroads. Kirk was beside me trying to wheel and deal with me the ENTIRE game.. going so far as to text me to tell me that i should trade some properties with him.. as if i hadnt heard him the first 50 times he told me that! Eric had a bloody nose for the second time that day.. and looked like he had just been through a battle of dragons and warlocks. Me and Blake Golden were in tight spots.. because i had his one red that he needed to make a complete set.. and he had my one light blue that i needed to make a complete set.. and i wasnt willing to make that trade. and Brother Greg was sitting over there with his one yellow, compared to everybody elses like 5 or 6 properties.. talking about how he hadnt lost a game since he was a kid. pish posh.. is what i have to say to that! the game was tight.. Eric was the first one to bail out. followed by brother Greg.. followed by Kirk.. even though it took a while for kirk because he knew he was making blakeC soooo mad.. and he loved every second of it! then, after everbody calling me ridiculous and dumb and stupid.. because i wouldnt sell them my properties that would undoubtedly make them win.. we all ended up quitting. we cleaned up the game in complete silence. i ended up having to just go away by myself for a little while to cool off.. im telling you.. monopoly is a terrible game for me to play because i get way too into it ! eventually.. after many many jokes being made about me and not being able to get Connecticut Avenue.. and getting my feelings hurt by everybody but JK pretty much ganging up on me... we all just laughed it off.. them a lot earlier than me :) after everybody left... it was just me Hilary and Brett left. Hilary wanted to go to sleep... she was pretty much drained.. but me and Brett got super hyper.. as always.. and danced around the kitchen for a while before going to sleep. oh... how i love her :)
so all in all... it was an amazing day.. despite getting pegged in the eyeball with a water balloon and having such a hard time with monopoly (:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Where do i even start?!

its been so long since ive blogged... that i dont even know where to start!
Today we had my baptizing.. and it was amazing to say the very least! there were 5 of us that got baptized.. me Lindz Underwood, Caitlin Powers, Connor Hindman, and Ireland Schrimsher! it was super super crowded too.. and im sure i didnt even get to talk to half of the people that was there.. and im sure there were people there that i didnt even know came! because most people definitley just scattered left as soon as it was over cause it was sooo hot.. but the water felt soooo good. i definitley didnt wanna get out! nd apparently after brother David baptized us all.. he squatted down to where the water came up to his chin! he's so funny... i love him (:
So pretty much my life now just conisists of work and church.. seriously.. just about any time that im not at work im either at church or just came from church.. with the occasional just hanging out with friends:) but i love it.. my life has been sooo great these past 3 weeks and i honestly feel like its just gonna get better from here (:
so i guess thats really all i feel like saying right now... not as much as i had intended on saying but maybe there will be more next time !  (: