Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog From a Stranger

it has been FOREVER! so much has happened.. there's no way that i could remember every single thing to blog about. we'll start with MY JOBS!
well, as anybody who has ever read my blog should know, i worked at the dreaded books a million. i didn't like it.. at all. i loved the people i worked with, don't get me wrong.. i already miss them! but i didn't enjoy spending Sundays, Saturdays, and early early Friday mornings or late late Friday nights at books a mil. also, trying to sell discount cards was not a fun game.  but annnnyways. enough complaining about the mil. lol. so i was at work on one monday... and they called me back to the office and told me that we would be closing the store that saturday! quick notice.. i know. i couldnt help but be extremely excited knowing that i would no longer have to work there.. but still i needed some kind of income somehow so i was a little worried about that! because i had been trying to find a job since like a month after i started working there because i wanted OUT! well, that week, i ended up working like 60 hours i think. and that was not working at all on sunday lol. one of the days i was clocked in for 14 hours straight! then maybe about Wednesday or Thursday one of my managers came out and told me that we'd be staying open for an extra week. so the next week i worked a good bit too. Then the next week i worked a little because we had to pack all the books up and send them back and whatnot. i did the magazines.. and i had to count them. i seriously probably ended up counting about 11000 magazines in just 2 days... and im NOT overexaggerating one bit lol.

I had been putting in for several jobs... like putting in at different banks and i had people trying to help me get on at TOC and at the utilities. i even had one woman come up to me while books a mil was still open and asked me to come in and fill out an application and come in for an interview about a daycare job. and that seemed pretty great because it was gonna be monday thru friday until like 5:30 or 6 every day... and also i was gonna be able to get free blue cross blue shield insurance with that too. its not really what i wanted because i wanted like a good job.. but i was thinking beggars cant be choosers! so i ended up going in for the interview and everything. well, meanwhile, my aunt Nickie had said something to me about taking over Kylee's babysitting job that she had considering shes about to be moving out to higdon. and aunt Nickie said that this was gonna be a really good job.. the only thing that i was worried about is that this job was only going to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and i really wanted something that was atleast 4 days a week.. preferably 5. i went on in for the interview for that job too though, just to keep my options open. ALSO Stanley and Denita Stinnett was needing help in their office just as like a secretary and stuff. but they was only needing like a few days a week too. So after the interview with Jenny, the lady that Kylee works for, i was sooo confused as to what to do! Working for Jenny would definitley have its benefits.. but the daycare job had insurance and stuff. Jenny offered me the job on the spot but i told her i needed a couple of days. well, the next day i think it was... the daycare called me back. and they offered me a job.. but the job they were offering me changed from full time hours to only 1 to 5:30 monday through friday. and considering that it was no longer a full time job.. i wouldnt be getting the benefits anymore or any of the vacation time and stuff. so, i kicked that idea fairly quick and called Jenny and accepted her job. I had also realized that since Stanley and Denita was only needing somebody a few days a week.. that i may could even work something out with them. and it ended up that it did! I've already started with Stanley and Denita... and my first full day with the kids (Norah -3years- and William -10 months-) is November 1st. i'll be working with Stanley and Denita on Mondays Wednesdays and every other Fridays and watching the kids Tuesdays and Thursdays! so it turned out perfect. I really believe the Lord gave me these jobs... because like i said i had been looking for another jobs for like 8 or 9 months and nothing else every worked out but when i actually NEEDED another job instead of just wanting a different one.. He worked something out for me! so far i have loved my jon at Rainbow.. even though this is only my second day.. and the kids that i'll be watching are just precious! (i went to meet them tuesday)

i guess that'll be all for today.. considering this blog is already wayyy too long lol. but considering that i'll be in front of a computer more often with nothing to do... im sure i'll be blogging alot more so ya'll can stop crying now ;)

until tomorrow?


  1. YAYYYYYY! Bailey's blogs are back!! I'm super excited. And I'm so excited about your jobs too! I remember for a few weeks it seemed like every time we hung out, all of our conversations were about money and jobs (and of course boys, but which of our conversations don't involve guys?!).. and that one night you, hil, and me, stayed up until like 4 talking about jobs... I'm so pumped that you have good jobs now! I love you Bail :) Welcome back to blog land :)

  2. Hey! You get to be in the Tuesday/Thursday babysitting club now! WHOO! haha (: Glad you're back! Love you!

  3. love you guys too!! thank you for the virtual welcome back party! ;)
