Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Random is What We Aim For

So i dont have anything specific to blog about.. just a lot of different random things. first things first, tonight we had a our normal tnc. (tuesday night club, for those of you who dont know) . i almost didnt go.. but decided to anyways. im glad that i did.. because me and hilly g did probably one of the most fun and tiring things of my life. ZORBING! ive wanted to do it ever since i saw they had it in madison square mall. so tonight, we did! i never thought that it would be hard. like i honestly just thought i was gonna walk around on water in a ginormous see-through ball. well, i was the first of me and hil to get in. and as soon as i got in, i could tell that this wasnt gonna be easy. i couldnt even stand up. i fell sooo many times. by about 30 seconds into it (it lasted all of 5 minutes) i was honestly ready to just give up and lay there the other 4.5 minutes. but then, when i laid back, i realized that i had an audience standing on the second floor watching me do this! so of course i had to try to get back up. my goal was to be able to run more than 5 or 6 steps.. the most i got in was probably two. we are DEFINITELY going back. SO.much.FUN!

^Theres the link to a video of me and hil zorbing.. i tried to upload it on here but i couldnt find it.

Today i went to calhoun and got registered for my classes for the fall! im so excited to start them! im either going to be a dental hygenist or the actual dentist.. i havent made up my mind for sure yet though. im planning on trying to shadow my dentist some this summer so maybe that can help me make up my mind about which i want to do. but anyways, im taking the orientation this summer, then in the fall im taking biology, physchology, english, and a public speaking class :) yay for college!

Of course i have to speak of my lively books a million job :) today was my first off days after 6 days straight of work.. one including a ten hour day.. with me on my feet most of those 10 hours! i would be complaining.. but really i cant be complaining.. im actually happy that i worked that much! me and my books a million job definitely have a love/hate relationship going on. if it would stop interfering with my weekends, it'd be all love, all the time :) i am pretty excited though because not this weekend but next, i took off friday and saturday so im gonna party like its 1999! haha :) im also glad that i get this sunday off since its fourth sunday.. even though we arent having revival now.. its been postponed. i was pretty dissappointed about that.. but life goes on :)

THURSDAYYYY! is going to be amazing! i cant wait to go to the mountain with hilly to see april blake brett and the rest of whoever elses shining faces i will see :) i seriously feel like i havent been able to be sociable in like 5 years .. so im ridiculously excited about it. you would think i was planning a trip to haiwaii, real talk.

GRADUATIONNNNNNNN! is tuesday. and guess who still hasnt got all of their invitations out? yep, that would be me:( theres just some people that i dont know their address.. so theyll seriously prob just end up getting their invitation after the graduation... just for the pictures lol. im the queen of procrastination. real talk.

So the past like.. week or so has just been crazy. like emotions have ran wild! like ive gone from depressed to mad to depressed to mad to semi-happy to hating the world again. im obviously 100percent girl haha. i mean i even had like awful dreams every single night for like 5 or 6 nights straight. its just that ive gotten into doing the same things over and over and over again and i feel like i need change.. because apparently change is what keeps me alive and going! But im so very thankful for today, because even though the past few days have been pretty hard for no particular reason, today has been a really good day! ive been in an awesome mood all day.. so i just hope that itll stay this way !

Until Next Time!!  :)


  1. i am soooooo jealous of you bails!!!!! i want to zorb soo bad! me and hil and april talked about it a lot in the smokies...i even went looking for it...and just ended up by a willow tree....sadness. i cant wait till thurs eitherrrr!!! i love and miss you cat daddy!!

  2. Hey bug! I think our graduation announcement must have gotten lost in the mail...wonder what's up with our postal system these days?!?

    Congrats anyway! Love ya!


  4. Aunt Heather i didnt do like any of the close family because i wasnt sure if mom and dad just wanted me to hand them to yall or mail them to yall but i think mom is mailing them .. ive left the rest up to her because ive been too busy lately!
