Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Bed

I am so very thankful for my bed. Somedays when its raining and cold outside, i could just stay in bed allll day. me and my bed have such a wonderful relationship. i think about it all the time. especially at work. and it always welcomes me back every single night, and every single day at about 5:30 when i lay down after work for my 5 minute relaxation time. I repay it by loving it with all of my heart.. and never ever wanting to get out of it when my alarm clock rings in the morning. especially during winter.. when my bed is 307 degrees.. and outside my bed is -55 degrees. my bed has been faithful to me for years now, and for that i am mighty thanful.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA This made me bed & I have a similar relationship! (:

    P.S. I love your background! (:
